Captain Cooks Deals

There are two words that every parent dreads hearing – two words that you know will lead to some sort of temper tantrum or negative behavior if you can’t stem it right away. The words “I’m bored” can send shivers… Continue Reading…

Captain Cooks Deals

Leatherworking is a popular hobby. It can be as simple as making a billfold and as complex as a decorative belt or pair of shoes. What’s great about leatherworking is that you can start with simple projects and move up… Continue Reading…

Captain Cooks Deals

If you’re wanting to find out how to sew your own clothes, buy art supplies for a project, or learn a new crafting skill, Hawaii has a number of locally owned stores that will be ideal for you. The staff… Continue Reading…

Captain Cooks Deals

Are you looking for a way to relax and be creative in your downtime? Are you searching for that perfect hobby that doesn’t take much to get started and that you can enjoy from your own home? Crafting can be… Continue Reading…